Our Process
As with any plan for the future, we need to gather information about you. This information will vary depending on the cover being put in place and may include gathering details of medical conditions, assets/ liabilities/ expenses, your goals/objectives and your current insurance coverage so that a review can be done to ascertain whether you have the right insurance for your current situation.

Preparing the Right Plan
Using the best products available in New Zealand, we will then tailor a plan that will match requirements taking into account your current situation, budget, current and future plans objectives and requirements. This will be a plan that is tailored just for you.

The Plan
We will come back to meet you and present the insurance plan. We will fully explain the reasons behind our recommendations and work with you on any changes or variations you might want to the recommendations.

In this Step, we work with you to put your insurance plan into action. This involves completion of application forms and gathering of supporting documentation. We then submit your application to the insurance company and follow it through the underwriting / acceptance and issue process. We will keep you informed about the progress of your application and give updates until the insurance plan is put in place.

Once your insurance is in place we will touch base with you. We will at least once a year check with you to see if your circumstances have changed. A change in circumstances may require an adjustment in your levels of cover. If a review is required, our advisers will arrange for a free review so that your insurance plan is relevant to your situation.

Covered by Insurance
Once your insurance is in place we will touch base with you. We will at least once a year check with you to see if your circumstances have changed. A change in circumstances may require an adjustment in your levels of cover. If a review is required, our advisers will arrange for a free review so that your insurance plan is relevant to your situation.

You can’t predict
but you can protect
Maxwell Financial Services Limited – an industry leader in providing insurance and financial solutions for New Zealanders.
Our philosophy is to provide you with the best solution for all your insurance and financial needs. Our business built on relationships and trust. Our Solutions are tailor-made to suit your insurance needs cover for individuals, families and businesses. Our focus is to provide outstanding service for our clients and to help them with their Insurance needs.
Maxwell Financial Services Limited (FSP737512) holds a Class 2 Licence issued by the Financial Markets Authority to provide financial advice. The following adviser can give advice under our Class 2 Licence – Roger Venkatesh (FSP 539026)
Our advisers are authorised by that licence to provide financial advice. Read our disclosure statement.
Our Partners
Maxwell Financial Services Limited has an excellent relationship with all major insurers and we’ll make sure that you will get insurance solution that it is formulated for your circumstances.

Your Insurance Adviser – Roger is here to help!
We can provide you a FREE no obligation quote for all your insurance needs for you and your family.